Ms. Srey Gnav, 60: How The Livelihood Program Changed Her Life

Ms. Srey Gnav, a 60 years old woman, lives in Pha Eang Village in Battambang province. She is currently living her children and her grandchildren in a small thatch house, as well as her 85 years old mother, who has difficulties in mobility needs assistance for her daily mobility. Her family economic situation was running badly and she could not even afford the food security and heath care expenses in her family.

After register as a member of OPA in Pha Eang village, Ms. Gnav was selected as one of the beneficiaries of livelihood program supported by HelpAge Cambodia. She was trained on livelihood skills and she had accessed to her small business as a grocery seller through the loan from OPA called revolving fund program.

After a year of running a small grocery shop in her village, Ms. Gnav raised that her family economic is running better and these day she could afford to pay for the health care for her mother and afford her grandchildren to get school. She could earn almost 40,000 Riels (USD 10) a day through her grocery shop.

“I’m really happy to be a member of OPA in my village. The OPA had contribute a lot to support the living situation of older people in my village and allow older people to meet and share with each other about their problems and needs. They also could help each other when there’s any problem happen in the village, she raised”.